Assembly Points and Evacuation Maps
What are Assembly Points?
- Assembly points are a designated location for people to gather in the event of an evacuation
- Each building on campus has a designated Assembly Point
- Assembly points serve as a safe, secure location that provide shelter, as well as access to washrooms and food
- Assembly Points are the best way for evacuees to be included in information exchange about the event with Campus Security such as the nature of the incident and estimated timeline for the building closure
- Campus Security will provide the 鈥渁ll clear鈥 command at the Assembly Point when it is safe to re-enter the building
- Attending Assembly Points is highly recommended but not mandatory; attending Muster Points IS mandatory
What is a Muster Point?
- Muster Points are similar to Assembly Points, with the following rules:
- Attending Muster Points is mandatory
- Attendance must be properly documented to account for all evacuees
- Examples of areas that use Muster Points are Childcare facilities
Are Assembly Points and Muster Points Interchangeable?
No, they are not interchangeable. Both are safe locations for evacuees to attend. The majority of buildings on campus use Assembly Points. Only buildings requiring a headcount use Muster Points including the Childcare facilities. Attending Muster Points is mandatory so that attendance can be properly recorded.
Building Assembly Point Locations and Evacuation Maps
Building Name | Assembly Point | Code/Evacuation Map Link |
Administration Building | Social Science Food Court | AD |
Art Building and Parkade | Craigie Hall G University Theatre | AB |
Aurora Hall | Dining Centre | AU |
Biological Sciences | Social Science Food Court | BI |
Cal Wenzel Precision Health | HRIC Atrium | CWPH |
Cascade Hall | Dining Centre | CD |
Calgary Centre for Innovative Technology | MSC North Atrium | CCIT |
Child Care Centre (Main Campus) | Scurfield Hall Atrium | CC |
Child Development Centre (West) | Alberta Children's Hospital (Physical Plant Room 100 for Renfrew and West Child Care Centre) | CDC |
City Building Design Lab (Downtown Campus) | Bow Valley College 鈥 2nd Floor Food Court | CBDL |
Clinical Skills Building | High Density Library | CSB |
Craigie Hall Block C | Professional Faculties Food Court | CHC |
Craigie Hall Block D | Professional Faculties Food Court | CHD |
Craigie Hall Block E | Professional Faculties Food Court | CHE |
Craigie Hall Block F | Professional Faculties Food Court | CHF |
Craigie Hall G (Formerly University Theatre) | Professional Faculties Food Court | CHG |
Crowsnest Hall | Dining Centre | CR |
Dining Centre | Kinesiology B Atrium | DC |
Downtown Campus | Holiday Inn Sidewalk | DTC |
Earth Sciences | ICT Food Court | ES |
Education Classrooms | Scurfield Hall Atrium | EDC |
Education Tower | Scurfield Hall Atrium | EDT |
Energy, Environment and Experiential Learning | ICT Food Court | EEEL |
Engineering Block A | ICT Food Court | ENA |
Engineering Block B | ICT Food Court | ENB |
Engineering Block C | ICT Food Court | ENC |
Engineering Block D | MSC North Atrium | END |
Engineering Block E | MSC North Atrium | ENE |
Engineering Block F | MSC North Atrium | ENF |
Engineering Block G | MSC North Atrium | ENG |
General Service Warehouse | Physical Plant Room 100 | N/A |
Glacier Hall | Dining Centre | GL |
Grounds Building | Physical Plant Room 100 | GR |
Health and Research Innovation Centre | HMRB Atrium | HRIC |
Health Sciences Centre | HRIC Atrium | HSC |
Heating Plant | Physical Plant Room 100 | HP |
Heritage Medical Research Building | HRIC Atrium | HMRB |
High Density Library | Clinical Skills Building | HDL |
Hunter Student Commons | Taylor Family Digital Library (TFDL) | HNSC |
Information & Communication Technology | Energy, Environment and Experiential Learning | ICT |
International House | Dining Centre | IH |
Kananaskis Hall | Dining Centre | KA |
Kinesiology Block A | MSC North Atrium | KNA |
Kinesiology Block B | MSC North Atrium | KNB |
KC Science Station Lab | Foresty Office - Parking Lot | KSC |
MacEwan Hall | Science B Food Court | MH |
MacEwan Student Centre | Kinesiology B Atrium | MSC |
MacKimmie Tower | Taylor Family Digital Library (TFDL) | MT |
Materials Handling | Physical Plant Room 100 | MH |
Mathematical Science | Social Science Food Court | MS |
Mathison Hall | Education Block Food Court | MTH |
Mechanical Engineering | Energy, Environment and Experiential Learning | MEB |
Murray Fraser Hall | Education Block Food Court | MFH |
Olympic Oval | Kinesiology B Atrium | OO |
Olympic Volunteer Centre | McMahon Stadium Dressing Rooms | OVC |
Olympus Hall | Dining Centre | OL |
Physical Plant | Child Development Centre Foyer | PP |
Professional Faculties | Education Block Food Court | PF |
Reeve Theatre | Craigie Hall G (University Theatre Lobby) | RT |
Rozsa Centre | Craigie Hall G (University Theatre Lobby) | RC |
Rundle Hall | Dining Centre | RU |
Science A | Social Science Food Court | SA |
Science B | ICT Food Court | SB |
Science Theatres | Professional Faculties Food Court | ST |
Scurfield Hall | Education Block Food Court | SH |
Social Sciences | Professional Faculties Food Court | SS |
Taylor Family Digital Library | Professional Faculties Food Court | TFDL |
Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning | MSC North Atrium | TI |
Trailer B - Math Sciences | Social Science Food Court | TRB |
University Research Centre | Parking Lot | URC |
Varsity Courts (Student Family Housing) | Housing Officer - Unit 423 | N/A |
Veterinary Science Research Station | Clinical Skills Building | VSRS |
W.A. Ranches (Bovine Unit Teaching Trailer) | Parking Lot | WA |
Wildlife Research Station | Veterinary Science Research Station | WR |
Yamnuska Hall | Dining Centre | YA |